
Configuration for your project.

jsrepo.json holds the configuration for your project.

You can create a jsrepo.json by running the init command with the --project flag:

npx jsrepo init --project


$schema is tracked with the cli so you can use a specific version using unpkg:

    "$schema": "https://unpkg.com/jsrepo@1.6.0/schema.json"


repos allows you to specify different registries to install blocks from. All of the blocks from each registry will be listed when you run add.

    "repos": [


Where blocks will be installed into your project.

    "path": "./src/blocks"


Whether or not to include test files when installing blocks.

    "includeTests": false


Whether or not to add a watermark to installed blocks.

    "watermark": true

When true adds a watermark with the jsrepo version repository it was added from and the date it was added on.

	jsrepo 1.6.0
	Installed from github/ieedan/std

export type Point = {
	x: number;
	y: number;