How to use GitHub as your jsrepo registry.
Branches and Tags
jsrepo supports GitHub so that you can just paste a link to the repo homepage and it will be handled correctly.
Because of this all of the following paths work:
Using Tags for Versioning
Tags can be a great solution to ensuring remote tests and blocks stay on a consistent version.
Tags do not however work like npm packages. Tags are completely mutable meaning a malicious registry could publish over a tag with different code.
This is why it's always important to make sure you trust the owner of the registry.
github Shorthand
When referencing GitHub as the provider you can use the github shorthand in place of
In the jsrepo.json:
Rate Limiting
If you are doing a lot of testing with jsrepo you may eventually get to a point where GitHub "cuts you off". At this point GitHub will start to return cached responses when trying to add, update, or test blocks.
You can get around this by supplying a PAT with the auth command.
If you are creating your own registry you may want to build the registry on a push to the main branch to make sure that the jsrepo-manifest.json is always up to date with the latest changes.
Workflow to build the manifest and create a pull request: