The origins and motivations behind jsrepo.
jsrepo was built by ieedan to make reusing your own code easier.
jsrepo is a solution to a problem I've had since I started to code.
I found myself writing the same functions multiple times or searching around all my repositories for that one function I had wrote in the past.
None of it seems worth publishing an npm package for but it's still good code that you shouldn't have to throw away.
- ieedan
jsrepo enables you to reuse code in a way you just couldn't before. Creating a registry is far easier to justify than publishing and maintaining a npm package.
My insight
Code has to change so wouldn't you rather change it in your own project.
When I was working on geist-ui-svelte and using it in my projects I found myself crushed under the weight of my own creation.
Every time I needed to change something I needed to publish a new release of this external package and take focus away from what I was actually working on.
After than experience shadcn-ui was a revelation for me, reusing code but also owning the source in your project will likely be the only way I can enjoy a UI library again.
But wouldn't it be nice to be able to reuse my own code and not just someone elses? And wouldn't it be nice for everyone else to be able to do the same?
That's when I started changing this project from what it was in ts-blocks to what it now is in jsrepo.